Main program to predect the temperature coefficients of a

   temperature compensated rare earth permanent maget.

   S. Liu, University of Daton

   May 8, 1988.  Re-wrote October 29, 1990.

   Add functions together, October 31, 1990


   #define MAX  12     /* MAX-2 is the maximum degree of polynomium     */

   #define PNT  300    /* MAX is the maximum number of linear equations */

                  /* PNT is the maximum number of data points      */






   void sllssqft(void);

   void sladplnm(void);

   void sltmpcef(void);


   int i, j, k;        /* i,j,k serve only as array indexes in functions */




     int c;



     do  {

        printf("\n\n1. Least square fitting.");

        printf("\n\n2. Add polynomials.");

        printf("\n\n3. Deternime temperature coefficients.");

        printf("\n\n4. Quit.\n");

        printf("\n\n   Your choice (1-4)  ");

        scanf("%d", &c);

     }  while ((c<1)||(c>4));


     if (c==1)  sllssqft();

     if (c==2)  sladplnm();

     if (c==3)  sltmpcef();

     printf("\n\n     Good bye !!");




/* Function : SLLSSQFT.C

   A program to determine coefficients of mth- degree polynomial of

   least square fitting

   S. Liu, University of Dayton.  Jan. 15, 1987

   Modiffied in May 1988.  Re-wrote in C in Sep.- Oct. 1990.



   void sllssqft(void)


     void etdt(int *p, float x[], float y[]);

     void rddt(int *q, float x[], float y[]);

     void sllsft(int n, float x[], float y[], int *pm, float xx[]);

     void mltchls(int n, float x[], float y[], int m, float xx[]);

     void wtceft(int m, float xx[]);


      int n, m;

      float x[PNT], y[PNT], xx[MAX];

      char c;



      do  {

      printf("1. Enter datat from the keyboard.\n\n");

      printf("2. Read data from the disc.\n\n\n");

      printf("   Your choice: (1 or 2)\n\n");

      scanf("%c", &c);

      }  while ((c!='1') && (c!='2'));


      if (c=='1')  etdt(&n, x, y);

      else rddt(&n, x, y);

      sllsft(n, x, y, &m, xx);

      mltchls(n, x, y, m, xx);




   void etdt(int *p, float x[], float y[])



     printf("\n\n     Enter your data point one by one.  The maximum data\n");

     printf("point should be less than %d.  When finish, enter 999 for\n",


     printf("both X and Y values.\n\n");


     do  {

       printf("\nEnter X ( %d ) = ", i);

       scanf("%f", &x[i]);

       printf("\nEnter Y ( %d ) = ", i);

       scanf("%f", &y[i]);


     }  while ((x[i-1]!=999) || (y[i-1] != 999));

     *p = i-1;     /*  (*p) --> n  will be the number of data points   */




   void rddt(int *q, float x[], float y[])


     FILE *fp;

     int i=0;

     char flnm[13];


     printf("\nEnter the file name to be read.\n");

     scanf("%s", &flnm);


     if ((fp=fopen(flnm, "r"))==NULL)  {

       printf("Cannot open file for reading.");



     while(!feof(fp))  {

       fscanf(fp, "%f%f", &x[i], &y[i]);






     for (i=0; i<*q; i++) printf("\nx(%d) = %f,  y(%d) = %f ", i, x[i], i, y[i]);




   void mltchls(int n, float x[], float y[], int m, float xx[])


     int c;


     printf("\n\nType any key to continue.\n\n");



     do  {

        printf("\n1. Change the degree of polynomial, m.\n\n");

        printf("2. Write the coefficients to the disc.\n\n");

        printf("3. Re-run this program.\n\n");

        printf("4. Return to the main program.\n\n");

        printf("5. Quit.\n\n\n");

        printf("   Your choice (1-5) ");

        scanf("%d", &c);      /*  if c is of the type char, then the  */

     }  while ((c<1) || (c>5));  /*  program will not run properly.      */


     if (c==1)  {

       sllsft(n, x, y, &m, xx);

       mltchls(n, x, y, m, xx);



     if (c==2)  {

       wtceft(m, xx);

       mltchls(n, x, y, m, xx);



     if (c==3) sllssqft();

     if (c==4) main();



   void wtceft(int m, float xx[])


     FILE *fp;

     char flnm[13];


     printf("\n\nEnter the filename to be written. (e.g. B:FILENAME.PLN)\n");

     scanf("%s", &flnm);

     if ((fp=fopen(flnm, "w"))==NULL)  {

       printf("Cannot open file for writing.\n");



     for (i=1; i<=m+1; i++)   {


       printf("  %f   ", xx[i]);

       fprintf(fp, "  %f   ", xx[i]);


     printf("\n\nWriting finished.\n\n");





/* Function : SLADPLNM

   A program to add k polynomials

   S. Liu,  University of Dayton

   January 1, 1990, re-wrote in C,  October 25, 1990



   void sladplnm()


     void etpct(int n, float x[]);

     void mltchad(int n, int m, float x[], float coef[][MAX], float scoef[]);

     void svcef(int n, int m, float x[], float coef[][MAX], float scoef[]);

     void exmp(int m, float scoef[]);

     void adplnm(int n, int m, float x[], float coef[][MAX], float scoef[]);


     FILE *fp[MAX];

     int n, m, max, tmn[MAX];

     float x[MAX], coef[MAX][MAX], scoef[MAX];

     char plnm[10][13];





     /* Initialize matrix coef[][] */

     for (i=0; i<MAX; i++)

       for (j=0; j<MAX; j++)  coef[i][j]=0;


     /* Enter the filenames of polynomials */

     printf("Enter the number of the original alloys, n.\n\n");

     scanf("%d", &n);

     printf("Enter the filenames of the corresponding polynomials one by one.\n\n");

     for (i=0; i<n; i++)  {

       printf("Enter the filename of No.%d polynomial, please.   ", i+1);

       scanf("%s", &plnm[i]);



     /* Read coefficients of n polynomials */

     for (i=0; i<n; i++)  {

       if ((fp[i]=fopen(plnm[i], "r"))==NULL)  {

      printf("Cannot open file %s for reading.", plnm[i]);






       while (!feof(fp[i]))  {

      fscanf(fp[i], "%f", &coef[i][j]);










     for (i=1; i<n; i++)  if (tmn[i] > max) max=tmn[i];

     m=max-1;             /* m will be the degree of the resulted polynomial */

     printf("\n   m = %d", m);


     etpct(n, x);                    /* Enter percentages of each original alloy */

     adplnm(n, m, x, coef, scoef);/* Add k polynomials */

     mltchad(n, m, x, coef, scoef);    /* Multy choices     */




   void etpct(int n, float x[])  /* Enter the percentage for each original alloys */


     float sx=0;


     printf("\n\nEnter the atomic percentage for each original alloy one by one.\n\n");

     for (i=0; i<n; i++)  {

       printf("\nEnter the atomic percentage for No.%d alloy.\n\n", i+1);

       scanf("%f", &x[i]);

       sx += x[i];



     if (abs(100-sx) > 0.1)   {

       printf("The total does not equal 100%, please re-enter.");

       etpct(n, x);





   void adplnm(int n, int m, float x[], float coef[][MAX], float scoef[])


      for (j=0; j<=m; j++)  scoef[j]=0;

      for (j=0; j<=m; j++)  {

     for (i=0; i<n; i++)  scoef[j] += x[i] / 100 * coef[i][j];

     printf("\nscoef(%d) = %f", j, scoef[j]);





   void mltchad(int n, int m, float x[], float coef[][MAX], float scoef[])


     int c;

     printf("\n\nType any key to continue.\n\n");


     do  {

        printf("1. Save the resulted coefficients on to disc.\n\n");

        printf("2. Change the percentage og the original alloys.\n\n");

        printf("3. See the example of the temperature dependence of the resulted alloy.\n\n");

        printf("4. Re-run the present program.\n\n");

        printf("5. Return to the main program.\n\n");

        printf("6. Quit.\n\n");

        scanf("%d", &c);

     }  while ((c<1)||(c>6));


     if (c==1)  {

       svcef(n, m, x, coef, scoef);

       mltchad(n, m, x, coef, scoef);



     if (c==2)  {

       etpct(n, x);

       adplnm(n, m, x, coef, scoef);

       mltchad(n, m, x, coef, scoef);



     if (c==3)  {

       exmp(m, scoef);

       mltchad(n, m, x, coef, scoef);



     if (c==4)  sladplnm();

     if (c==5)  main();




   void svcef(int n, int m, float x[], float coef[][MAX], float scoef[])


     FILE *fp;

     char flnm[13];

     printf("\n\nEnter the filename to be written. (e.g. B:FILENAME.PLN)\n");

     scanf("%s", &flnm);

     if ((fp=fopen(flnm, "a"))==NULL)  {

       printf("Cannot open file for writing.\n");

       mltchad(n, m, x, coef, scoef);



     for (i=0; i<=m; i++)  {

       printf("  %f   ", scoef[i]);

       fprintf(fp, "  %f   ", scoef[i]);




     printf("\n\nWriting finished.\n\n");




   void exmp(int m, float scoef[])


     float t, t1, t2, itv, y;


     printf("\n\nEnter the starting temperature.\n\n");

     scanf("%f", &t1);

     printf("\nEnter the ending temperature.\n\n");

     scanf("%f", &t2);

     printf("\nEnter the interval.\n\n");

     scanf("%f", &itv);

     printf("\n\n        T                     Y\n\n");

     for (t=t1; t<=(t2+itv/2); t+=itv)  {


       if (t==0) t=0.00000000001;

       for (j=0; j<=m; j++)  y += scoef[j] * pow(t, j);

       printf("\n      %5.1f               %6.1f", t, y);





/* Function :SLTMPCEF.C

   A function to determine the temperature coefficients.

   S. Liu, University of Dayton.

   May 19, 1988, Re-wrote in C, October 25, 1990.



   void sltmpcef(void)


     void mltchcf(int m, float scoef[]);

     void tmpcef(int m, float scoef[]);

     void avtmpcef(int m, float scoef[]);


     FILE *fp;

     int m, tmn=0;

     float scoef[MAX];

     char flnm[13];




     printf("Enter the filename of the polynomial to be read.  ");

     scanf("%s", &flnm);

     if ((fp=fopen(flnm, "r"))==NULL)  {

       printf("Cannot open file %s for reading.", flnm);





     while (!feof(fp))  {

       fscanf(fp, "%f", &scoef[i]);






     m = tmn -1;


     mltchcf(m, scoef);



   void mltchcf(int m, float scoef[])


     int c;


     do  {

       printf("\n\n1. Determine the temp. coef. at a give temperature.");

       printf("\n\n2. Determine the temp. coef. in a temperature interval.");

       printf("\n\n3. Re-run this program.");

       printf("\n\n4. Return to the main program.");

       printf("\n\n5. Quit.\n\n");

       scanf("%d", &c);

     }  while ((c<1)||(c>5));


     if (c==1)  {

       tmpcef(m, scoef);

       mltchcf(m, scoef);



     if (c==2)  {

       avtmpcef(m, scoef);

       mltchcf(m, scoef);



     if (c==3) sltmpcef();


     if (c==4) main();




   void tmpcef(int m, float scoef[])


     float t, mgn, tcef, summ=0, sum=0;


     printf("\n\nEnter the temperature.   ");

     scanf("%f", &t);

     if (t==0)  t=0.00000000001;

     for (j=0; j<=m; j++)  summ += scoef[j] * pow(t, j);

     mgn = summ;

     /* Determine the derivative of the polynomial at t  */

     for (i=0; i<=m; i++) sum += i * scoef[i] * pow(t, (i-1));

     tcef = sum / mgn * 100;

     printf("\n\nThe temp. coef. at %5.1f degree is %f %/deg.\n\n", t, tcef);



   void avtmpcef(int m, float scoef[])


     float t[3], sum[MAX], tcef;


     printf("\n\nEnter the first temperature, T1.   ");

     scanf("%f", &t[1]);

     printf("\n\nEnter the second temperature, T2.   ");

     scanf("%f", &t[2]);

     for (i=1; i<=2; i++)  {

       if (t[i]==0) t[i]=0.00000000001;

       sum[i] = 0;

       for (j=0; j<=m; j++)  sum[i] += scoef[j] * pow(t[i], j);



     tcef = (sum[2] - sum[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]) / sum[1] * 100;

     printf("\n\nThe temp. coef. between %f and %f is %f %/deg.\n\n", t[1], t[2], tcef);

