<p>……</p>      (end tag is optional) Starting a new paragraph.
<span id="name"> ……</span>  Creating inline spans.
<span class="name"> ……</span> 
<br />      (no end tag) Creating a line break.
<b> ……</b> Making text bold.
<i> …… </i> Making text Italic.
<u> …… </u> underlined text
<strong> …… </strong> Same as <b> …… </b> in the current standard
<em> …… </em> Same as <i> …… </i> in the current standard
<big> …… </big> <p><big>Don't get me wrong,</big> I don't mean that……    </p> Making text bigger.
<small> …… </small> <p><small>The oppinions expressed on this page are mine.</small></p> Making text smaller.
<code> …… </code> Using a monospaced font.
<tt> …… </tt> Using a monospaced font.
<kbd> …… </kbd> Using a monospaced font.
<samp> …… </samp> Using a monospaced font.
<pre> …… </pre> <pre>     This tag defines preformatted text.  It displays a fixed-width font (usually Courier),      This tag defines preformatted text.  It displays a fixed-width font (usually Courier), Text in a <pre> element is displayed in a fixed-width font (usually Courier), and it preserves both spaces and line breaks.
 and it preserves Plain Text with original indents, spances, and line breaks.  </pre>  and it preserves Plain Text with original indents, spances, and line breaks. 
<blockquote> …… </blockquote> <blockquote cite="http://www.kingsolver.com"> Block quote
<q> …… </q> <p>And then she said <q>Have you read Kingsolver's <q> And then she said "Have you read Kingsolver's
High Tide in Tucson</q>? It's inspiring.</q></p>  'High Tide in Tucson'? It's inspiring. 
<sub> ……</sub> Create subscript
<sup> …… </sup> Create superscript
<ins> …… </ins> Mark newly inserted text.
<del> …… </del> Mark deleted text. 
<abbr title="explanation"> …… </abbr>  Explaining abbreviation.
<acronym title="explanation"> …… </acronym> Explanining acronym.
<center> …… </center> Centering elements on a page.  Same as <div align="center">…</div>